Networks & Local Knowledge: A Language of Mediation to Arrange In a Process of Territorial Intelligence
Yann Bertacchini, Paul Déprez, Ana Maria Perez-Rubio
Review of Contemporary Business Research, 1(1), pp. 23-31.

We are pursuing research in the topic of territorial intelligence area, research undertaken since fifteen years, and concerning its ability to organize the mediation between actors, setting up their networks, and knowledge and expertise that they hold to form what we have referred to as formal territorial capital. This collective capacity, the territorial intelligence, when territory anticipate failures that are goig to achieve it, requires the implemetation of an evolution of its culture, and in particular the coconstruction of territorial knowledge between heterogeneous actors of different culture, present and/or remote (as we mentioned in the above definition), holders of local or expert knowledge, which requires to implement mediation efforts to seek strengthening the capacity of local stakeholders in territories which promote an endogenous development.

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Bertacchini, Yann., Déprez, Paul., & Perez-Rubio, Maria Ana. (2012). Networks & Local Knowledge: A Language of Mediation to Arrange In a Process of Territorial Intelligence. Review of Contemporary Business Research, 1(1), pp. 23-31.

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Yann Bertacchini is a research director of information and communication sciences at Toulon University Institute of Technology attached to the “Services and Networks Communication” department he co-founded, as a pilot department in this specific field in France. His career began by serving in the French Navy, where he received a scientific, technologic background, and then he joined in France, Europe and Export, the industry sector and companies. His professional experience continues with the creation of training courses, campus that make him later join the research and teaching area. In 1996/1997, he returned to the Nice Sophia Antipolis University of to prepare a DEA (Diploma of Advanced Studies) that will allow him modeling the decision-making process conducted by managers in search of a location for their company and activities. There ensued a doctoral thesis (Ph.D) at Aix-Marseille 3 University follow by a Research Habilitation (HDR) at Toulon University.

His research focuses on territorial intelligence we proposed a definition in 2004 "An informational and anthropological, regular and continuous process initiated by local actors physically present or remote that appropriate resources of a space by mobilizing and transforming the energy of the territorial system in project's ability.../..“. We are now pursuing research in the topic of territorial intelligence area, a meeting between ICTs, local actors, and their network. He is exploring the role, power of ICTs into sustainable development project and program as capacity of setting up collaborations between local actors and collectivities. This research undertaken since now more fifteen years, and concerning the territorial ability to organize mediation between actors, setting up their networks, and knowledge and expertise that they hold to form what we have referred to as formal territorial capital.

Chief Editor of the International Journal of Information Sciences for Decision Making from 1999 to 2011, he has published many articles and books in French, English, Spanish within this field (ICTs & Territory Public Policy) and conducting thesis which are continuing the territorial intelligence research and allowed him to establish international collaborations.

Since 2001, he is European Expert, member of some scientific events as for exemples, ‘ICTs & Territory: which developments?”, “Scientific, Technologic & Strategic Watch”, “Digitalize document”.

Paul Déprez
University of Toulon
Toulon, France

Ana Maria Perez-Rubio
Universidad Nacional del Nordeste
Corrientes, Argentine