Employee Attitudes towards Organizational Diversity on Business Performance; Perspectives from the Small and Medium Enterprises Employees in Kisii Town
Erick Nyakundi Onsongo, Zirwel Rasugu Maina
Review of Contemporary Business Research, 2(1), pp. 30-40.

This essay is an analysis of the rituals in African cosmology. It will deal with a comprehensive interpretation of ritual and their meaning or meanings. This essay starts with a definition of ritual and its comprehensive interpretation. This is followed by a discussion of several approaches to the study of ritual. The discussion then turns to an analysis of two classic types of rituals. The first type are those rites that are connected to the human life cycle-such as birth, marriage, and death-and to human crises-such as illness. These rituals often reflect a distinctive structure that is analyzed and illustrated in rites associated with birth, puberty, and initiation into a religious vocation. A second classic type of rite is associated with fixed points in the yearly calendar and is connected either with the changing of the seasons or with the commemoration and rehearsal of a momentous historical event.

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Onsongo, Nyakundi Erick., & Maina, Rasugu Zirwel . (2013). Employee Attitudes towards Organizational Diversity on Business Performance; Perspectives from the Small and Medium Enterprises Employees in Kisii Town. Review of Contemporary Business Research, 2(1), pp. 30-40.

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Erick Nyakundi Onsongo is a lecturer in the Department of Business Administration of the Faculty of Commerce in Kisii University. The author holds a Master of Science in Human Resource Management and Bachelor of Arts Degree from Moi University Eldoret-Kenya.

The author has published articles and academic papers in local and international peer reviewed journals. The author has majored in the area of Management, Human Resource Management, Education management, Arts and Human Resource Economics


Zirwel Rasugu Maina
Part time Lecturer
Department of Business Administration,
Kisii University