Cultural Tourism Is a Local Business: The Example of the Maritime Museum Of Litochoro in Greece
Dr. Sapfo Mortaki
Review of Contemporary Business Research, 1(1), pp. 15-22.

This paper investigates the extent to which cultural tourism, especially in local level, enhances the social and economic development of a place. For this purpose, in the introduction the terms of culture and tourism are defined, so that the connection between them becomes evident. The article consists of two parts. In the first, which constitutes the theoretical base, cultural tourism and its economic, social and cultural impact on local societies are analyzed, based on bibliographical review. In the second part, by focusing on cultural tourism in Greek reality, the positive contribution of the Maritime Museum of Litochoro (Greece), as a case study, in the multilateral development of the area is demonstrated through original research. Finally, this phenomenon is evaluated and speculations for further research arise.

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Mortaki, Dr. Sapfo. (2012). Cultural Tourism Is a Local Business: The Example of the Maritime Museum Of Litochoro in Greece. Review of Contemporary Business Research, 1(1), pp. 15-22.

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Dr. Sapfo Mortaki
Art historian – Museologist
Synesiou Kirinis 3-7, 11471, Athens, Greece
210 8617885, 6944333394
Email: [email protected]